Category: Uncategorized

  • Capturing Nuances and Wonders: My EVJ Trilogy Reflection

    The EVJ trilogy has reached its conclusion, and it’s been a journey of self-discovery, evaluating priorities, and contemplating the road ahead. E, V, and J remain at the core of my existence, intertwined with my digital identity. Months of unwavering focus and dedication have allowed me to translate their essence into the fabric of this…

  • EVJ.J.1.5.4 is live on fx(hash)!

    EVJ.J.1.5.4 is live on fx(hash)!

    Find EVJ.J.1.5.4 here on fx(hash)! More about EVJ “EVJ” is an expression of love. With “EVJ” I endeavor to capture the ethereal essence of three souls who’ve touched my heart profoundly. The good, the bad, the awe-inspiring, and everything in between. “EVJ” stands as my digital chronicle and photo album. In a world where time…

  • Now minting on fx(hash). EVJ.V.4.1.5 is live!

    Now minting on fx(hash). EVJ.V.4.1.5 is live!

    Find EVJ.V.4.1.5 here on fx(hash)! More about EVJ “EVJ” is an expression of love. With “EVJ” I endeavor to capture the ethereal essence of three souls who’ve touched my heart profoundly. The good, the bad, the awe-inspiring, and everything in between. “EVJ” stands as my digital chronicle and photo album. In a world where time…

  • evj


    A three-part, long-form, generative algorithm, each “EVJ” script is an embodiment of the subject and each algorithmic output is a vivid translation of each persona. The essence of each subject is meticulously captured in every brushstroke, graphical element, color, and composition.

  • Soul Nishikigoi (魂錦鯉)

    Soul Nishikigoi (魂錦鯉)

    Soul Nishikigoi (魂錦鯉) is a visual tribute to love, friendship, and the people and culture of Japan. It is a series of eleven hand-selected pieces by the artist from his latest long-form generative art algorithm. Arigato gozaimasu. View now on Foundation

  • Errare I.I.XXI minting on fxhash 11.11.22 @ 11:00AM

    Errare I.I.XXI minting on fxhash 11.11.22 @ 11:00AM

    Based on repeating primitives, Errare’s algorithm is intentionally simple and minimalistic with an emphasis on color and color field analysis. At its core, concentric primitives lie within the golden ratio, or divine proportion, and culminate in a study of mathematical beauty. Errare explores the dichotomy between randomness and structure. It believes that beauty lies somewhere…

  • Errare 0.1.16 on OpenSea

    Errare 0.1.16 on OpenSea

    As I prepare my latest long-form generative algorithm Errare for release in the coming weeks, I continue to test and refine various aspects of the script. This exploration struck me as balanced and harmonious in form, color, and typographic components. More than 2000 unique outputs were created and reviewed and subsequently narrowed down to 200+…

  • errare


    Welcome to errare, my latest long-form generative algorithm. Based on repeating primitives, errare’s algorithm is intentionally minimalistic with an emphasis on color and color field analysis. At its core, concentric primitives lie within the golden ratio and culminate in a study of mathematical beauty. Errare explores the dichotomy between randomness and structure. It believes that…