Errare 0.1.16 on OpenSea

As I prepare my latest long-form generative algorithm Errare for release in the coming weeks, I continue to test and refine various aspects of the script. This exploration struck me as balanced and harmonious in form, color, and typographic components. More than 2000 unique outputs were created and reviewed and subsequently narrowed down to 200+ that exemplified the best and most exciting aspects of the script. Further curation narrowed the set to twenty pieces representing Errare 0.1.16 in this OpenSea collection.

This script variation further explored grid abstraction, geometric composition, and bolder and more prominent typographical elements. With these deviations, given their low opacity levels, we begin to see unique shapes and color variations that create uniquely delightful compositions.

Typography plays more prominently in the composition than in previous iterations. The number values are created based on a formula of canvas width and a multiple of the golden ratio. See the code outlined below. Beyond the number values, this algorithm leaves the typographical element’s size, placement, color, and transparency to randomness.

let phi = 1.6180339887498; // golden ratio
let phi1 = .6180339887498; // golden ratio 1
let phi2 = .3819660112502; // golden ratio 2

f8 = cw * phi1; // cw = canvas width
f7 = f8 * phi1;
f6 = f7 * phi1;
f5 = f6 * phi1;
f4 = f5 * phi1;
f3 = f4 * phi1;
f2 = f3 * phi1;
f1 = f2 * phi1;
f0 = f1 * phi1;

text(random([f8, f7, f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1, f0]), random(f8), random(f8)) ;

I’m excited to share this curated set of outputs from Errare’s latest test script. Check out the link to the OpenSea collection below. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.